Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fwd: Update: SonSeekers Prayer/Praise 10-25-15

John asks us to pray:

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Begin forwarded message:

From: John Lacy <>
Date: October 26, 2015 at 12:04:03 PM CDT
To: Marilyn Holland <>
Subject: RE: Update: SonSeekers Prayer/Praise 10-25-15

Marilyn, did you get this prayer request Saturday night?
Some class members may know them.
Joey Feek, wife of Rory, has cancer and has been going through
treatments in Chicago and Atlanta for the last several months and received
news from her Doctors last Thursday that the Chemo and Radiation are not working.
They returned to their farm south of Nashville at Pottsville, TN and Rory wrote
the following blog on Friday.
They have a 1 1/2 year old daughter, Indiana.  Indy has down syndrome.
If you are not familiar with them, they are Country Music entertainers on RFD-TV
and sometimes Branson, MO.
John Lacy


Please add Rebecca Williams to the prayer list - she and her husband Nick are expecting their 2nd baby in December. Rebecca's been told she has gestational diabetes (her mom had severe diabetes). She's taking insulin until her baby boy is born and asks for prayers that the diabetes will not continue after he's born. Please keep Rebecca and Nick and the baby in your prayers over the next few weeks. We are praying against this disease!! 


On Oct 26, 2015, at 10:57 AM, Marilyn Holland <> wrote:

Good morning SonSeekers! Glad to see many of you yesterday tho we did miss several of you guys! Please know we hope to see you next Sunday!!

Don't forget Harvest Weekend is fast approaching!! 

Hope you all saw the Unleashed for the Unreached Wall in the atrium! This wall shows more than 6000 people groups, representing 3 billion people who have not heard the gospel message! Take a brochure and a prayer card and pray for a people group!! 

EVENTS:Sunday,  November 1 @ 5:45 in 24/7 Harvest Story Night! Come and hear from our missionaries and church planters! You will be so very blessed! 
Wednesday, November 4 @ 7pm in Worship Center - Harvest Night of Praise! 
Sat/Sun, November 7-8 Harvest Weekend! Goal: $2,043,000!!

Thanks to Ron for our last lesson on Generosity! We learned how God measures generosity. It's not the size of the gift but the size of the sacrifice. Also, the INCARNATION was a graduate course in Generosity.

- Pray for those in Stillwater, Ok (tragic accident) There have been 4 fatalities
- Martha Holmes- Pray for her friend Denise, Denise's son commit suicide.
- Robert Fry- His sister Donna Greene has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's
-Don Ferril- Denise has been having dental pain and asked Don to pray for her and has been free from pain ever since!
-Bob Waldron- Pray for Gina, she is still having complications from her eye surgery & will see surgeon this week.
-Sue Taylor- Pray for Bill and Treva Black.  Treva is in the last stages of her life.
-Nash and Lavita- Their great grand daughter Meghan had surgery, pray for healing
                           - Pray for Connie, she is still struggling to keep food down. 
                           - They are also going to be travelling to Kansas to see Nash's 92 year old sister.  Pray for safe travel and a good visit.
Robert Fry- Remember Tim Hogan and May, they will be travelling home from Congo next Sunday.
Marilyn- Jack Grider passed away.  Pray for his wife Kelly and family. Still waiting on arrangements. 
Judy- Pray for Wanda Jones who fell and had a brain bleed.  She is now in rehab.
Hector- Pray for Haltom City.  Our high school D-Groups will be providing a thanksgiving dinner to the residents at Spanish Square Apartments on Nov 15.
We need 6 Turkeys, cooked, sliced and ready to be served that day.  If you bring them to class that morning, we can get them there.  We have already recieved money from some of you that can be used to buy 2 cooked turkeys.  So we need 4 more volunteers! 

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